If you loves you some TV you should check these out. The order is not indicitive of the relative quality of the program. All are worthy of your time. Let me know if I am right.
1. Justified (FX)
2. Stargate Universe (Syfy)
3. Fringe (Fox)
4. Flashforward (ABC)
5. The Sarah Silverman Program (Comedy Central)
6. The Pacific (HBO)
7. Spartacus - Blood and Sand (Showcase)
8. Deadliest Catch (Discovery)
9. The Bridge (CTV)
10. Out of Sight (FX?)
11. Modern Family and The Middle (ABC)
12. 30 Rock, Park's and Rec, and The Community (NBC)
Guilty Pleasures - I make no apologies for these programs. They are dog toilet paper but the best kind of three ply dog toilet paper. I hate that they entertain me
1. Tough Love - Couples (VH1?)
2. Anything with the name Dr. Drew attatched to it. (VH1)
The only show on this list I watch is Stargate Universe.
So, you are liking The Bridge, eh? I'm happy to see that actor getting some good work because I am very fond of all the former BSG guys and I totally root for them. But, I haven't watched the show because I just feel I already watch too many...
That is fair. The actor who plays the lead character on the Bridge would impress you with what he is doing now. I see many many Gemini awards for this show. Best CTV has ever produced I think.
Is it a Canadian show????
Shit. I did not know that! I would have watched it if I hadn't had the impression this was some crappy LA cop cliche show!
Not too late. Only about five or six episodes in. You will pick up the gist of it pretty quickly.
I'm glad to see you like "Fringe." It fills a hole in me left by the demise of the "X-Files."
Modern Family is hiarious.
Modern family just 'gets' the way people actually talk to each other when they are forced together. Its the cabin fever sarcasm that makes Canadians so funny.
The way Claire busted on her daughter yesterday was a classic. "Mess with me will ya?"
Fringe is just so brilliantly acted that I can't resist it. John Noble has created a character (in Walter Bishop) that is so damaged but so redeemed at the same time. He breaks my heart every episode because I would have made the exact same choices he did as a younger man if I was in his shoes. And the way he loves Astrid and Olivia is very sweet.
Ohhh, FRINGE! I love that freaking show! And last night's episode was so tight, so awesome. Phew! I love it. LOVE IT.
Also, I'm just starting to watch FlashForward when Danny and I have a little free time and like it so far. :)
Out of your bunch, I watch:
3. Fringe (Fox)
4. Flashforward (ABC)
7. Spartacus - Blood and Sand (Showcase)
11. Modern Family and The Middle (ABC)
12. 30 Rock, Park's and Rec, and The Community (NBC)
Along with a bunch more...
Looking forward to more Burn Notice, Psych, White Collar, Royal Pains, Eureka, Sanctuary...
I watch too much TV, hmm?
It is humanly impossible to watch 'too much' TV so stop with that 'kooky talk'.
Burn Notice for me is the most anticipated. That final scene was very cool. That show ends a season like no other. Go Michael Go and woe be to anyone who thinks they can control or manipulate him. I love the whole conspiracy behind his 'burning'.
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