Thursday, July 1, 2010

Then Bring It, Bitch!

I love the picture of the 'sicko' that will wreck havoc on my life. I think that is the same guy that stares at me when I leave the 7-11. Who knew? At least this is better than the end of the world scenarios that Dr Oz paints for me. He scares me too because he never tells you how you can avoid these dangers. He basically is giving you heads up that you are fucked so that when the worst happens you won't be surprised. Then he tells me that if I only eat newspaper for 28 days that I can finally get into that apocalypse dress I have been keeping for the time when I get skinnier.


Tempo said...

...So THATS what happened to my family..

Wings1295 said...


Ricky Shambles said...

hahaha! Apocalypse dress! That made my damn day.