This is the Shah of Iran before the Iranian Revolution. I have to admit that I am fascinated by the portraits of these military type dictators and the way they go all out to present a flashy portrait complete with all the medals and trappings that you would expect from an egomaniac.
I am often glad that I am not Emperor of the World because I too would go crazy with the outfits. Sashes, swords, medals, swords and capes. But then again, I have the peasants to think of. They expect me to put on a good show to the world.
It seems the more medals you got the more of a crazy, baby eating, nutcase dictator you are...
if I remember correctly that's the one whose wife was famous princess Soraya who is still a very renowned member of the jet set :) They had an amazing love story. There were even films about the two of them.
The Shah was the Padisha emporer of Iran and was actually very moderate compared to the leaders of today. He modernized Iran and granted suffrage to womenHe was also a puppet of the US, which made for a steady flow of oil until he was ousted by the Shi'a clergy in 1979.
I lived in Iran When I was about 4, It was right before the ousting. I can recall seeing his face in every shop, and as a kid me and my big brother waiting anxiously for saturday morning cartoons, and seeing his face on the test pattern. I didn't want to look at some old guy looking regal and imperial I just wanted to watch Tom & Jerry! ah odd memories.
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