“Oh, Mankind, rejoice in the apathy of our Creator, for it makes us free and truthful and dignified at last. No longer can a fool like Malachi Constant point to a ridiculous accident of good luck and say, ‘Somebody up there likes me.’ And no longer can a tyrant say, ‘God wants this or that to happen, and anybody who doesn’t help this or that to happen is against God.’ O Lord Most High, what a glorious weapon is Thy Apathy, for we have unsheathed it, have thrust and slashed mightily with it, and the claptrap that has so often enslaved us or driven us into the madhouse lies slain!”
— The Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
One of my favourite books by a sadly-missed author.
I have to get to that book. I love Vonnegut, but I must sheepishly admit that there are many of his works that I have not got around to reading yet.
Also love the God of War artwork.
That GOW guy is pissed off at the dieties so I felt it was appropriate.
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