"Pulpo Paul, the Nostradamus of octopuses who slithered into all of our hearts by correctly predicting the winner of 8 out of 8 World Cup matches, has closed his tiny eyes and lifted one of his soothsaying tentacles for the last time. The Sea Life Center in Oberhausen, Germany announced today that Paul the SLYCIC Octopus has passed away at the age of 2 and a half."
Didn`t see that one coming did you bulbhead?
He'd make an awesome stew...
No you are speaking my language.
One down, er, a lot to go?
Time to cook "Pulpo a la Gallega". That should be a nice revenge platter for you, Cal.
It's Calamari tonight!
Calamari time!
You know he's going to come back and haunt you, right? Or should that be "slither back"?
Well he is gonna have to get in line. It standing room only in the room where things haunt me.
Look at that eye! Look at the body language. The bastard is mocking you Cal...
I dont know how you did it but as soon as I heard the news I knew you had bumped him off...well done to you.
Ssshhhhhh Tempo. All I need is a bunch of angry Spaniards after me.
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