Nazis celebrated Halloween? There is one costume they didn't pass down to their kids. Yikes! Good luck getting candy from my place.
I am also so proud that my comment on the above picture that accompanied it's reblog on my tumblr was attacked by my first anonymous troll. Our conversation went as follows.
Anonymous asked: You're a moron. Grow some brains. It's not a fucking nazi symbol.
That’s right. They didn’t put it on their flags or uniforms at all. Regardless of it’s true origin, the Nazis co-opted it into a symbol for evil. So maybe you are the moron who knows nothing about the 1930s and 40s. And you are also a coward for hiding being your Anonymous identity. So fuck you.
That is very odd...
I wonder what the story behind the photo really is?
That is why I post the photos that I do. I don't undertand what the hell they mean either.
Oh my I need to read the comments in your tumbler more often, they come out of the woodwork there.
My comment section often has some of the best discussions. I should post them as independant posts themselves. Unfortunately tumblr trolls are all over the place. Just unfollow me if you don't like my stuff, just save me your negative balloon juice - I don't want to hear it.
I think Rich Iott might have inherited it.
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