What the fuck is wrong with California that Charlie Sheen can run rampant all over your state with total immunity from responsibility for the shit he causes? Does he actually have to kill a hooker or someone innocent before someone locks him away for a good long time.
He has publicists to say that he had a 'negative reaction' to his 'medication' (cocaine). He gets to negotiate when he shows up for rehab then only has to sign in and is considered 'cured'. He can threaten his wife with a knife and not go to jail because said jail is 'non smoking'.
AND to top everything off he gets paid ONE MILLION DOLLARS per episode of the terrible sitcom he is on.
No wonder the Taliban hates America and 'Two and a Half Men'.

Maybe his delightful Hanes commercials offset all of the bad stuff he has ever done....Nahh.
You are right. Whatever was I thinking. Gah!
I am not sure I know anyone that watches that show. How is it so popular?
It's his dad, I'm telling ya. He's got pull in hollywood like you wouldn't believe. He keeps Charlie out of prison and Emilio out of the movies ('cause emilio pissed him off about ten years ago and hasn't apologised.)
Don't let the "shameless idealist" fool you. The man's like one of the Sopranos. Just don't piss him off.
You know that makes more sense than it should. So Martin is the one I need to sick a gun toting lowlife on? Let me make a quick call.
expected my phone to ring about then..lol
Don't forget that his dad was President of the United States! Or was that just a TV show?
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