A time when every pumpkin you saw carved at Halloween looked like these ones? No pumpkins was turned into awesome shadow effect vegetables or works of art. They just had triangle eyes and jagged smiles. I am starting to view the ones created these days with the same contempt that I have for Lego.
I can't make one that looks as good as the best designed pumpkins I see. Sometimes it makes me afraid to look back because what if I DID come from a much simpler time only the 'simple' part meant that we were not that bright or creative.
No, I take that back. We could at least spell back then and type with more fingers than just our thumbs.

You got that right, Kal!
we knew how to carve pumpkins and we could also make change and do math without a calculator...
And when we gave you your change, we gave you the coins FIRST, and THEN the bills...
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