“Do you think we should drive a stake through his heart, just in case?”
— Peter Lorre to Vincent Price, at Bela Lugosi’s funeral.

That is so cool. Can't you just imagine Lorre saying that - in that great voice of his? You just know he was half-kidding but half serious at the same time. Beautiful. Thanks for Brother Darius for posting this gem on Tumblr.
Did you ever see Ed Wood?
Every time I see Lugosi now I think of how he was portrayed in the movie: Pull the strings! Pull the strings!!
Well I have to listen to some Bauhaus now!
Ohhh, now that's funny.
That just shows how cool Lorre was. An appropriate smile at a darker time. Lorre was the bomb.
I have been on a Peter Lorre watch all month. Me loves him in anything.
I have this old Abbott and Costello cassette that's like a 'best of' their old radio show. One of the sketches has Lorre in it. Frickin' hilarious.
I hope they wore garlic to the funeral
I really hope this one was truly said, because it is just so perfectly perfect.
Watched Mad Love this weekend with Peter Lorre. Great old movie.
Just watched 'Mad Love' for the first time a few weeks ago. Lorre was very creepy in that. At the time that movie must have got a lot of strong reactions from audiences of the day. It's so out of place when compared to other films of that era.
Totally agree. Strange little movie. Very entertaining.
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