Thanks to Booksteve for linking me to this book. I am putting this on my book search for next week. The Friendly Giant is a Canadian icon and for once I am pretty sure that he will not be 'outing' anyone or discussing the sex and drugs he did with groupies who showed up to watch tapings of his show.
That's a good thing. I could be in real trouble if it was an actual tell-all.
Or was that Mister Dressup we went on the drinkling binge with? That night is all a blur.
Don't speak to me of Dress-up. One day Casey and Finnigan were there and the next day they were gone. No explanation. No excuse like Finnigan went to a nice farm and Casey is off at school. Just GONE. The blood of both of them is on your hands, Dressup! THEIR BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!!!!
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