I love a good mystery. So much so that I watch most all those 'CSI' and 'Criminal Minds' type shows. I like gathering all the pieces of the puzzle together and solving the crime. I would have been awesome on one of those FBI behavior analysis units - bouncing idea off my co-workers as we narrow the noose around the neck of the 'un-sub' we are tracking down.
I miss having my dad around. We both loved these kind of mysteries and competed to see who would find the killer first. Even as a kid he bought me any of the 'two-minute mystery' books he could get his hands on for me. I even had the complete set of 'Hardy Boy' novels and learned how to track animals in the woods by reading my 'Boy Scout Manual'.

I once discovered the girl who I was dating had stolen my mother's car by lifting her keys when she was over at our place. After the theft there were many clues but the clincher was when I found a 'strawberry milk to go' container in the back seat once the car was recovered. That was the only beverage she drank. That could have been coincidence but I needed more rock solid proof.
I had taught basic forensics in Junior High Science (like how to take and match fingerprints) so I knew how to deal with the strawberry milk evidence I had. I invited her over and got her to handle a glass. Then I compared the two prints by examining the matching whirls and ridges. After a few minutes, I had her.
The police laughed that I had solved my own case and gave my mother the choice about what do do about the thief. With her soft heart my mom let it go and that was the last time I saw this girlfriend.
After many years when we were talking about the incident, she said it was a good thing I didn't marry her. I had to agree. I might have ended up a body in the basement. But I am not afraid. Fluffy The Wonder Kitty has my back as you can see from this picture.

I think I married her Kal...Yep, you were right to dump that one
I am happy that the crate I packed her into with all those banana's got to the shores of Australia. I was hoping Antarctica. Least she is no longer near North America. I would have maybe had to kill dat bitch.
I've never tried strawberry milk.
Off topic - That's a damn nice beard. I wish I had the patience to grow mine out.
funny, I had that very thought myself. She's living out in the bush these days so the bikers dont find her and plant her in the dirt..I SO want to give them a ring...
I love those shows too, though I don't get to watch as much as I'd like. The original CSI in Vegas crew was my favorite. Grissom was and oddly disfunctional genius.
Some of the other "CSI-Lite" type shows can be entertaining (like Bones), but you have to like the characters enough to overlook the leaps of faith. You could make a decent drinking game out of how many times they solve a crime because they find evidence (soil, pollen, bugs) that are ONLY FOUND IN ONE PLACE - which coincidentally happens to be less than a mile from the lab.
Ha ha, funny story although I'm sure it wasn't at the time it was happening. Good for you for solving the crime!
Very cool detective work! But I think you better stick with the idea of a mail-order bride.
My beard is the work of laziness, not genius, Sam
Actually Debra is worked out very well for both me and my mom. The insurance company bought her a new car and when the old one was found we bid 500 for it at auction and won that too. So I sold my car for 1000 and we were up 500.
Belle, you know that mail order bride from the Ukraine will always be my dream.
I like those show also, there are just too many of them on now! You did a great job of sleuthing to solve that caper!
I remember this story. It cracked me up when you first shared it on my blogged, and it cracks me up again. Your mom's a softy. She should've gotten hard time in the slammer.
Glad to see the 60 Second stories are back. I enjoyed when you shared more of them in the past on your blog.
Wish I could have done some sleuthing like you to figure out who stole my camera at the last new year's party I held.
Well you needed to contact my secretary, Babs, she a a hot dish, a real dool and she knows how to make a man spill the beans when I need her to do that. You got me dollface?
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