Despite my enormous bitterness over not being able to see these episodes in Canada (since we are a million miles on the other side of the world from the freakin' United freakin' States of freakin' America) I will share this address with you all so that at least you can enjoy the experience.
The greatest thing about these cartoons is that they are voiced by the original series actors. The fact that this series is animated allows adventures to take place that would not be possible with live action.
Not available in my geographic region (those trekkies are pussies and Picard is gay).
It's like like we are part of the SAME FREAKIN' CONTINENT OR ANYTHING.
Thanks for posting anyway. I actually watched the first one, Kal. I'm trying to get a bit more educated for the sake of my sci-fi spoofs. I'd like to tell you it was horrible, but I'd be lying. [How can a link work in the US and not Canada? That's another one of many things I do not understand.]
I have seen them before Robyn but it would have been nice to spend a few hours this afternoon having them play in the background. For the time they were made they are pretty good. The animation, voices and music are all strong. Even that freaky alien navagator is fun.
I wish you would watch 'Firefly'. It's just 14 episodes so it's easy to digest. Even people who aren't usually fans of sci-fi fall in love with the characters. I would love to talk about that show with you.
There are alot of things we never get to see in Canada. Superbowl commercials on the day of the game, HULU, network TV. I don't know if it's our side or the US side. I think though is the fault of America because I hear from Mexico that they also are shut out.
I have some friends who are big into firefly. I'm sure it's good. I'm not going to get a tv, though, despite your and my nephew's wishes.
I just can't comprehend how a WORLDWIDEweb link could be good for me, not you. Then again, other countries have shut it down and China doesn't let its people use facebook.
Hijacking a foreign IP address might work but I remeber watching those cartoons as a kid and probably they aren't worth the effort.
I am embarrassed for my supposidly FREE country. If they can keep me from watching cartoons then what else am I locked out of. It just shows that we really don't have any power at all. We only are free for as long as the MAN lets us be free.
DI - those cartoons hold up pretty well after all these years.
When I was a little kid, I loved to watch Speed racer. A few years ago I watched it again and the cartoon didn't turned out to be what I remembered so dearly.
I'm not sure that the cartoons will be as good as I remebered them.
I tried a US proxy server, now it works.
also see this kal.
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