However, how can I believe when every single picture of this new 'creature' is of such low quality. I know it was taken with a cell phone camera from a kayak but how can such a 'discovery' capture the imagination of people with such crappy evidence? Are people that gullible? Don't answer that. It was rhetorical. Now an hour of my life will be taken up by the inevitable National Geographic special about this floating piece of debris.
My whole childhood was consumed by reading books about cryptids like the Yeti, Bigfoot, UFO's, vampires, werewolves, the Mothman and Chupacabra. You all have NO idea how much I wanted to come face to face with one of these things. I knew how to kill them if I needed to but I also knew their favorite cookie if they wanted to be friends.
"The photograph, which shows an object with three humps breaching the surface of the lake, is said to be the best evidence yet of what some claim is a monster lurking beneath the depths.
It was taken on a camera phone by Tom Pickles, 24, while kayaking on the lake as part of a team building exercise with his IT company, CapGemini, last Friday.
Mr Pickles said he saw an animal the size of three cars speed past him on the lake and watched it for about 20 seconds.
He said: “It was petrifying and we paddled back to the shore straight away. At first I thought it was a dog and then saw it was much bigger and moving really quickly at about 10mph.
“Each hump was moving in a rippling motion and it was swimming fast."
Hmmm, maybe it was a beaver conga line! But then again, the guy's name is freaking "Pickles!"
It doesn't look real in that picture, it looks like round things tied together. I think our own Ogopogo lake monster must have died. I haven't heard of any sightings the last few years. I think it was a sturgeon anyway. They are shaped like the Ogopogo.
HA HA HA, I missed that. Mr Pickles. No authority on ANYTHING was ever named 'Mr Pickles'.
Don't get me started on Ogopogo, Belle. We went every summer as a kid to visit relatives in BC and I was so excited one summer to go to Lake Okanogan just to spot this lake monster. I was deathly disappointed to see how comercial and goofy everything was. I still have a little porcelain statue of that 'monster' smiling at me...mocking my beliefs. It was one of the biggest letdowns of my life. Stupid lake monsters.
i've been to scotland and to many a loch. and the only things i found there were a load of aberdeen angus and drunken scots.
no monsters. i mean, once you've discounted the drunken scots, that is.
Plus nobody is fooled by a drunken Scot who falls in the Loch.
after all these years and there is still no actual proof..I dont believe it for a second
And it makes me so angry that there is not any proof that I want to go out and perpitrate (sp) a hoax on the world.
Well, it's kinda like religion. There's not a shred of proof in that, but a hell of a lot of people believe in it. Go figure.
Also, nobody ever talks about this, but unless the monster lives forever there would have to be at least TWO of them...so they could breed and carry on the line.
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