(Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy battle it out with The Octopus King in an attempt to entertain SpongeBob Squarepants, in the pages of United Plankton Pictures' SpongeBob Comics #1. The above panels are taken from a story written by James Kochalka and drawn by Hilary Barta)
Hi Kal -- Yes! I'd be so happy if you could tell me how to fit those videos to my column size! It's so beyond my limited computer skills to figure it out!
Okay, click on that little pencil beside your post. That will get you to the page where you can edit your post. You will see a HEIGHT and a WIDTH number within the code of the video you posted. Change the height to 425 and the width to 270. You may have to do this TWICE but on the newer videos from YOU TUBE you only have to do it once. Once at the top and once at the bottom of the code. That is the ratio I use and it seems to work for me and makes everything uniform. Let me know if that works.
We all could use some help from time to time.
The comic is a crack-up.
Thanks Kal -- I'll give it a try and let you know!
Yes! The entire video is now visible on my column, although there's a lot of black around it. I see it didn't do that with the Magnet and Steel video you posted below. Perhaps I need different numbers than you do? I'll try to play around with them.
Thanks for showing me what the issue is and how to change the size of the video!
You can switch the ratios between height and weight to suit you but to get rid of the black band you can do that by unclicking that box below were you first get the code at the YOU TUBE site. If you don't click it off, all vids will have a border. Hope that helps.
I fixed it! I reversed the numbers you gave me and the videos fit perfectly! Thanks so much! Now when I have time, I must go through my archives and fix all my video posts!
Thanks again, Kal -- you've solved a mystery that has confounded me for over 2 years!
Did I mess up my instructions? I am such a goof. Good on you for figuring out what I meant and not what I said. No thanks needed. Just paying it forward. Someone helped me fix my stuff awhile back and it's cool to have things 'just right' on one's blog.
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