I am a huge fan of the pillow. Like some middle eastern sultan, I can never have enough of them on my bed. So it goes without saying that I am all over these pillows that resemble rocks. I would love to pile these up in my rec room. Combine them with ocean colored blankets, add some wave sound effects and I am asleep at the end of the world. No wonder no one ever married me. I am just too weird for words.
Those are very cool for a rec room or kids playroom, especially, like you said, with blue blankets or a rug. Very soothing!
These are great! Can you post how I can buy some over the internet? Thanks
I wish I could find somewhere to buy these!!! I've been scouring the net for the last hour trying to find somewhere. I've found the Smarin Design site, but nowhere on the site to actually purchase the pillows . . . crappy sales I would imagine
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