Saturday, July 25, 2009

50 Followers - Because in the Cave of Cool, I am the Coolest Thing

Who would have thought that after a mere 10 months I would have not only 1300+ posts but 50 people unashamed to call themselves followers of this blog. My unlimited love to you all. You are the elite of class and good taste. I know this because I visit your blogs also and they are a constant source of entertainment, education, and outrage for me. So tell a friend...and have them tell two friends. I promise to be a kind and benevolent Emperor.


Anonymous said...

how many followers will tell you that you need to proofread your heading?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Fifty one now.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Only ONE very smarty pants wearing pain in my ass.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I JUST got Dr Monkey??? But but...I thought you were hidden amoungst the first followers I couldn't see?

Wings1295 said...

Glad to hear it, Cal. Hope the list grows and grows.

Booksteve said...

SNIFF! I only....only have....34!

Booksteve said...

AAARRRGH! I only have 33!! I LOST one!
(Thanks for the cool award btw!){{{{hugs}}}}

Anonymous said...

I am so tempted to unsubscribe just to take the smug look of your stupid face :D ! Ha! Nah, I like this blog.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

People can UN-subscribe? Now they tell me.