Monday, July 6, 2009

Comic Pages of the Week

Batman and Robin #2 by Frank Quitely and Grant Morrison, who for my money are the best comic artist/writing team working today. There is real flow to Frank's art work (just look at the cape shapes he draws) that is unlike anything being produced. Its like he has the entire movie in his head and he picks out those exact perfect moments to illustrate the story. Its a curse really because now how can I enjoy anything less? If you are not reading 'Batman and Robin' you are missing out on about as perfect a comic book that there is out there these days. And this is from a guy who has 12,000 + squirreled away in long boxes and has probably read twice that many in my life. So I know of what I speak. Grant Morrison is someone whose writing I either really love or really hate. There is no middle ground. In this case he really seems to have the Bat mythos down and writes an 'Alfred' as he was meant to be written - father figure, cheerleader, motivator and the absolute lynch pin of the Bat 'operation'. Neither Bruce or Dick could have ever done what they did without this man in the background and I like that he is getting his due. Read these two pages and tell me he doesn't turn it all around for Dick in an instant.


Booksteve said...

But did you LIKE it? Seriously, I saw issue one and it was good. I wouldn't put it in a category with the greats, however, but I guess I'd admit it's better than most mainstream stuff done today. I hadn't really planned on getting issue two but I may based on your recommendation.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Well Morrison for me is either hit or miss. When he misses I hate him but when his weirdness seesm perfect for the setting I a totally there. This to me was an example of that.

Wings1295 said...

Looks fun. Haven't read a comic in over a year, sadly. DC is just blah to me.

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean "Grant Morrison" as opposed to "Frank Morrison"?

Anyway, Frank Quitely is a wonderful artist - his work on The Authority & New X-Men was brilliant. I enjoyed Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol but haven't forgiven him for ruining The Authority yet.

- Zac