Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Eagle Trailer

Another great sneak peek from Dez over at Hollywood Spy. If it's not here first it's not being made. I love these historical action movies that look like they weren't always fun for the actors to be making but they sure are fun for me to watch. Another tale of the mythical 'Lost Legion'.


Nanc Twop said...

Wow - looks like its going to be quite a spectacle. And I bet you're right about those actors having had some un-comfy days on set!

btw, here's the pic JBell's working on now:
- both of these are quite diff from his 'Billy Elliot' days...

DEZMOND said...

I just wish Hollywood would make more expensive epics, project on a bigger scale. Smaller films like these usually do not score a huge success.
Can't wait to watch it!

Kal said...

I know what you mean. It's a shame that something as technically brilliant as 'Avatar' - something that advances movie special effects by leaps and bounds - was such a letdown in the story department. Cameron is such an egomaniac that he will never see how bad a writer he truly is.

DEZMOND said...

the same goes for Spielberg and Lucas :( Visually great, but bad storytelling and often too sugary.