Monday, November 8, 2010

I Am Having A Major Brain Fart

I don't know why I am so metally dry and void of snark these days. Maybe I am just burned out. So forgive me if I am not back until later in the week. I think I need to go on a a walkabout. When it becomes hard to get my points written down lightning fast, then I know there is someting wrongs with me. This is one of my worst fears.


Drake said...

We'll be here!
Have some "Cal Time" and come back refreshed.

Budd said...

Don't forget your suitcase full of knives.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Mmmmm chocolate....

Broaden your mind Cal!

TS Hendrik said...

Could it be laziness? I think you're just being lazy. Kidding, kidding. I think it's just the time of year. I've noticed a lot of bloggers slowing down a bit.

csmith2884 said...

Well you are in contemplation of the universe. I will say a few things that are for sure.

Justin Bieber should be able to run for President in 2016.

Dogs are way smarter than cats.

Canada is the United State's walk in fridge.

Octopi are cute and should be part of every child's aquarium.

Red headed women should never be allowed in sci-fi movies they distract from the plot.

There that should be some rant fodder for one of the most prolific bloggers I know. Miss ya already.


Sam G said...

It's always good to re-charge the batteries. We'll be here.

Megan said...

Did you watch last week's Survivor? Things are heating up! :)

Tempo said...

Mate, if thats the worst of your fears then life is pretty damn good eh?!

Sarah said...

Come back soon, I need my daily entertainment & kitteh pics by Cal.

Kal said...

That is funny CS. I could rant the hell about each of the those topics. Thanks for the kick in the pants.

Octopus in a kid's aquarium? Are you insane? You must not love that kid to put him in such mortal danger - not to mention the rest of your family and the neighborhood you live in.

Why not just smear chicken blood on your children as they sleep and invite the coyotes in? Having an octopus around any children is just asking for trouble.