Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quote Of The Day

“There is nothing in our background, upbringing, or education that teaches you how to deal with someone who in broad daylight has just stolen your cookies.”

— Douglas Adams

This quote reminds me of my niece, Taylor. When she was in pre-school (age 5) a kid took her cookie and walked away with it. Instead of telling on him to the teacher like any normal kid would have, she climbed a chair and just LAUNCHED herself at him, tackling him to the ground with extreme prejudice.

After snatching her cookie back from his hands, she just calmly walked back to her seat and continued to eat her lunch in peace like the whole incident never happened. The other kids were crying and some had even wet their pants from all the excitement.

When asked by her Dad why she did what she did, her answer was, "Daddy, if you let people steal from you once, they think they can steal from you all the time. I bet that is the last time he touches my cookies."

I can't say she doesn't have a point there.


Wings1295 said...

Sounds like she does not suffer fools, or thieves, gladly. Good for her!

Kal said...

She doesn't take shit from no one and can be quite a problem when she is sticking up for someone weaker and smaller than she is.

M. D. Jackson said...

My daughter had a similar reaction to a bully who decided to take her granola bar. She'd had a bad day and that was the proverbial straw. She freaked out into the bully's face at the top of her lungs brining the whole hallway to a standstill. The bully (a large girl) was so surprised that anyone would stand up to her that she gave back the granola bar and apologized.

Today my daughter gets much respect in the school hallways.

Budd said...

Taylor was wise beyond her years.

Sarah said...

Out of the mouths of babes...for truly kids can see more than we give them credit for.

Smart adults don't underestimate them, oh no :)

Kal said...

M.D. - are you sure you cub is not part of the Granola Mafia? I have seen those hallways at lunch time. It's a brutal, violent, unforgiving place between those lockers.