Well at least the Devil puts some thought and effort into entertaining me. I swear, if I hear one more version of those same old stupid stories from Genesis I will make my own head explode.
The Devil at least knows how to toss around the F-bombs and he shows me a titty every once in a while. THAT is entertainment. The Devil must be in charge of cable networks that don't have the same restrictions on them like the three regular TV networks do.
God created curvy women but for some reason I am evil if I think about them while in my bunk. Temp me with something I don't enjoy like tobacco. Makes it easier for me to resist.
My mother was watching her religion channel on the satellite yesterday (they show old episode of 'Coronation Street') and I noticed how the musicians and groups they get to entertain people (and sing about da lord) are really terrible - I mean 'nursing home' players terrible.
It's like the 'believers' are being punished for buying into the bs. You think if God REALLY cared he would send at least an interesting puppet show their way instead of a guy with stickers all over his guitar who tries to rhyme lyrics with the word 'orange' or 'Jesus' and gives up after one song.
God allowed us to invent beer and wine cause he likes a good time. He allowed us to find dope cause he loves a laugh with friends and he made beautiful women because he likes a good f...but NO, according to the religious types he did all this to be cruel and tempt us?
I think not!
My god is a sharing, friendly fellow that loves us all and wants us to be happy.
I can join your kind of religion Tempo.
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