Sunday, October 1, 2017

This Is Why We Can't Have Good Comic Books

Because people make bad comic books like this one. Why does the HULK need spikes or claws or luck powers? He's the freaking HULK and already had a healing factor. That should be enough for one character, don't you think. Did Liefeld have anything to do with this? I bet this is a Liefeld idea. If you want to make a new character, maybe don't have him look like one of your old characters. Oh and his name is Weapon H because apparently they ran out of Roman Numerals to number the other creations of the Weapon X program.



j-swin said...

Christ I heard about this a while ago. He looks ridiculous and the premise is absurd. I don't know why they insist on mucking up perfectly good characters instead of maybe coming up with new, interesting ones. This is what happens when fans of hacks like Leifeld and McFarlane (I'll say it, his Spider-Man was ok but everything else is just big capes and machine guns) get to handle the ball. You're better than this, Marvel.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I know. But the company is so afraid to do anything new. A friend reminded me today that every 'new' character is just another version of existing heroes, Spider-Gwen, She Hulk, Miles Morales, Red Hulk, ect....

Squirrel Girl is the most original and that is weird to me.

DrGoat said...

Tis bullshit. You're right, Marvel is better than that.