I am choosing to live in that place my 10 year old still resides and am taking this action figure attached to the new GI Joe film to be just a joke meant to mess with the mind of all fan boys who need someone about as close to the original from the cartoon to keep our heads from collectively exploding. The old Cobra Commander had one of the coolest visuals and an easily recreatable Halloween costume. This is barf in a bag that was then put into another barf bag before going on some actor's head. Is source material so radioactive that they can't even try to adhere to it? I can live with latex costumes/uniforms but don't mess with certain things. Give me a black-haired bespectacled Baroness and a silvery faced Destro and a non-alien puke faced Cobra Commander! If my ten year old geek inside me knew the word he most certainly would have said loudly and proudly - FUCK ME and Mr. producer man..FUCK YOU!
I don't even see WHY they needed to do this... just to do it? Ugh!
Please let this be bullshit. I can deal with Destro having a normal head for a while (he wasn't born with the silver head, was he?), but this Cobra Commander costume? Why not have him wear a space helmet and a french tickler? :-D
Hear! Hear! I'm callin' mad bullshit on this putrid pile of jackassery! Hollywood producers can suck it. They ruin everything.
Cobra-La anyone?
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