Daniel Heard

Otoniael Lopes de Oliverira Junior

Joel Carroll

Hector Barros

Anjin Anhut
However I doubt that DC would stray too far from the design of their Batman and why do away with all that fear that the look has engendered over all these years. I can see Dick reaching for his batons though and finding them missing which to me is depriving him of his most non-lethal but best and expertly used weapons. If you want a dynamic character that is not going to just be a place holder - and include the Damien Robin character we all feel is ready for HIS move up - you need to hold on to those elements that made both Bruce and Dick great heroes but strive for an entirely original creation. Honor both great characters in your new Dark Knight. The last time Dick took over as Batman (after Bane broke the back of Bruce after the KNIGHTFALL story many years ago) he was nothing more than Batman-lite and for that reason the look and situation didn't take. Here is hoping DC gives us something new and exciting this time. Although we all know that Bruce WILL return one day but wouldn't it be nice to see him notice how great things have progressed in his absence that he is now inspired to created a totally NEW character for himself and let those who have stepped up in in abscence to keep the roles they have finally earned. Even Robin as Red Robin or Jason Todd as the Red Hood and certainly Damien al Ghul as the new Robin teaming with Dick. Now THAT is creative and innovative. The picture below by Frank Quiently certainly gives us a snotty nosed Robin with new costume that can ONLY be Damien.

Check out the other examples of Protject Rooftop's ideas below...
I think the first one in your post is the best one, the most Batman-ish of them.
But you are right, Bruce will be back soon enough.
Lotsa great entries! Sadly mine didn't make the cut, but I stil think it was cool :)
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