Friday, March 6, 2009

Truman the Octopus

Doing this blog is the most awesome when regular visitors send me things they know I would be interested in. Thanks again to Lisa_mynx from her cool blog 'Random Thoughts From a Sleep Deprived Brain' ( for this story of ANOTHER troublemaking octopus. Why do I feel that they are just toying with us. Like they can take over anytime they want and we just exist at their pleasure. They mock us openly. If they could talk they would be laughing their asses off all the time. This story freak me out because I never imagined that a seven foot octopus could squeeze through a 2 inch hole. There goes my best ocean hiding spot. They are like rats who I understand can squeeze through a hold the size of a quarter. I am just glad he never got his lunch. Whose the smart one now? I like how they use the term 'enrichment activity'. How long before some stupid aquarium worker drops the wrong tools into the tank and Mr Tentacle creates something sharper and deadlier than they are already and use it against us. Personally I would never turn my back on an octopus.

"BOSTON – What is 7 feet long, weighs 30 pounds, has eight arms and fits in a box slightly larger than a milk crate? Truman the octopus. Truman squeezed into a clear, acrylic box while trying to snag his lunch at the New England Aquarium in Boston. Aquarium workers often place food inside locked boxes for the intelligent animals to crack open. It's what the aquarium calls an "enrichment activity," but it didn't go as planned Thursday. In this case, crabs were locked in a smaller box inside the bigger box, which is 14 inches per side. The impatient Truman bypassed the locks and squeezed his body through a 2-inch hole in the exterior box. He spent about 30 minutes inside before slithering out, delighting staff and guests who witnessed the spectacle. He never did get the smaller box open."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um, I know I use "LJ" for my e-mail anonymity, but I don't like being called that...