Sunday, February 14, 2010

Namor In The New Captain America Movie?

Samurai Frog just wrote about the Captain America movie. I for one am loving that it is set in WWII. Invaders vs Nazis? How sweet will that be?

I would also like to see Namor - the Sub-Mariner (pronounced both ways) be a major part of this movie. His arrogance and powers enliven anything you include him in, especially the latest run of X-Men where he has taken his place on the team. No arguments here, after all he is the 'first mutant'.

As I wrote in the comment section of Samurai Frog's post, I would have Namor give a rousing speech in MY Captain America movie.

Here is the scene. Cap has been captured by the Red Skull and taken to the notorious Skull Castle. By holographic message the soldiers set to rescue Cap have been shown horrific scenes or torture that to their young eyes are terrifying. At the moment they need their courage the most, it has failed them.

Then comes Namor, who the soldiers have viewed with mistrust, give a rousing patriot speech about why Captain America inspires hope against overwhelming evil and how if they let him die then they are giving evil a foothold in America that will never go away. He could reference his own lost home of Atlantis but mainly he would remind them and US why we NEED a Captain America. The speech would rally the boys who would then kick some major Nazi Butt.

Such a speech the humble Steve Rogers would never made but it is totally inline with the power to inspire HOPE that Captain America has always had. I only hope he is shown with his round shield and that the movie ends with Baron Zemo and the rocket that results in Bucky becoming the Winter Soldier and Cap going into deep freeze. Next - Part II - The Avengers and Beyond.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! Namor should be in the new Captain America movie. I heard the news about the Invaders being in the 2nd half of the film, and I first thought how cool Namor would be...and then who could play him - I met this guy, James Ryen, on set and he's the live embodiment of the Atlantean. Tall and well built. Plus, after talking to him for a bit, he's done a ton of Shakespeare plays, so he would have the handle on Namor's manner of speech. Super nice guy as well. I hope Joe gives him a shot to read for it. He would nail it! James Ryen as Namor!