Thursday, November 4, 2010

300,000 + Visits To The Canadian Cave Of Cool

The bean counters at Cave of Cool Inc. are happy to inform the media and announce that we have passed another milestone in the life of this blog - 300,780 visits over 25 months. Something must be bringing people back time and time again. You will never know how great that makes me feel. You validate my world view and your contributions make the Cave of Cool better each day. I can hardly believe there was a time when I had NO followers and fifty visits a day was a terrific achievement. Now it seems like there is no place to go but up.

My unlimited love to you all - Calvin


Tempo said...

300,000? Thats nothin man...I got 2346...Oh wait, thats not as many eh?! LOL
Congrats mate, thats so, so many!

Kal said...

Thanks...but I want MORE! MORE I TELL YOU!

Wings1295 said...

What else can I say but, wow!

Kal said...

It's more like the same 30 people visiting 1000 times.

Drake said...

I visit at least 10,000 times a day!

TS Hendrik said...

Congratulations on the milestone. At the rate I'm going I should hit that in about 30 years. haha

Chase March said...

Congrats on the stats!

Keep blogging!

csmith2884 said...

You rock Mr. Peanut and I am happy to be one of "those" 30, and you do it tastefully.

Next 3 million.


Mike D. said...

My man... congrats on this milestone! I can not wait for CCD to one day (hopefully) achieve such lofty heights... Onward and Upward, Bloggers Unite!!!!