Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Would Shoot This Punk But I Am Afraid I Would Hit Something Important


D.I. Felipe González said...

Who is Lord Stanley? Why is he spinning in his tomb?
It must be a Canadian joke....

Kal said...

That trophy the punk is holding is called the Stanley Cup and it's named for Lord Stanley and is given to the championship team in the NHL - National Hockey League. It a big deal to us and to have the punk even touch it is an abomination. The guys who look after it and handle it wear white gloves usually.

M. D. Jackson said...

Drop the cup, Bieber! I said drop it! Bieber! Do you wanna get shot?

TS Hendrik said...

Oh Cal, why did you post this? It hurts me with a deep pain. How is he not bursting into flames touching it?

Kal said...

We need to be made aware of what that punk is up too and how stupid he is. It increases the chances that someone wearing the maple leaf will take him out with extreme prejudice for putting his grubby mitts on the Cup.

TS Hendrik said...

I suppose... I just feel unclean having seen the picture.

Kal said...

'Unclean' - that is the best way to describe the feeling I have also. I am just ready to dry luffa myself and sit in a tub of CLR. Sorry for posting it but I needed to share the pain with my friends. Maybe we can ALL come up with a way to get rid of Bieber - no body, no crime.

Professor Chaos said...

Gun violence is never the answer. . . Wait, is that Bieber? Never mind, fire at will.

TS Hendrik said...

A friend of my brother's wanted to hold a Bieber burning rally. The only question was how to get him to attend without suspicion.

Kal said...

I am so glad that we can unite over the hatred and death of this goober. I bet it can even bring together Republicans and Democrats, Crips and Bloods, Israeli and Palestinians. Let the world unite.

Drake said...

Ewwwwwww Stanley Cup has cooties now!

Megan said...

He was at the Lakers opening game and Jeannie Buss let him HOLD PHIL JACKSON'S CHAMPIONSHIP RING.

But this is worse. Way, WAY worse.

Tempo said...

Come on now...you love him. LOL
I'm SO glad our tweens havent got into this little dweeb...he's hardly ever on the radio.
Woo Hoo, Australia wins again!!!!

Kal said...

There are enough things that can kill you in Australia as it is. To die in a stampede of tween girls at the mall who showed up to see this punk is happily not one of them..YET. I wouldn't begrudge this specimen his fame is he wasn't such a dickhead. He is everything wrong with celebrity culture and like Nickelback, I am embarrassed for him to be from my country. Where is a hungry Polar bear when we need one.

CkretsGalore said...

Yessss, never miss a chance to take a dig at Nickleback!
Atta' boy.

Kal said...

How can anyone who has actually HEARD good music like Nickleback at all? They are the worst group to do so well, ever.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That is an abomination!