Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's Not All Bad News

I actually am hoping that the republicans take over the House of Representatives when the dust clears on this midterm election day. It may be the best chance my beloved USA has for fixing some of it's problems.

For the past two years the Right has been able to coast without ever having to provide alternatives to the policies of President Obama. It's easy to bitch in the corner and play to your base and use fear to make it seem like the evil black man in the White House is out to destroy the American way of life. That kind of strategy plays into the worse prejudices that have long simmered just below the surface of American society. With Fox News and guys like Limbaugh and Beck, it has become easy and even fashionable to freely express racist and homophobic attitudes. Such hatred is actively encouraged by the Right because they know there are people who will vote their way, just on those feelings alone.

The Democrats need the other party to be in charge of the House of Representatives. They need there to be a clear line of difference to show the voter that progressive ways of doing things and progressive policies are really what is best for the people. As we have seen in the past 24 months, the only thing the Republicans care about is themselves, millionaires, banks, corporations, and insurance companies.

If the Republicans do take over the house, they will actually have to produce results. They will have to run on THEIR record in 2 years and can no longer just use the straw man Obama to win votes. The free ride is over.

The bi-partisanship and outreach that Obama attempted to have with the Republicans will now be essential if the Right expects to have any legislation get past the President's desk.

Oh you glorious Founders. You knew EXACTLY what you were doing when you set up the American system of government. You must have seen a future where the nutcases and the liars would need to be reigned in. This is why I find American politics so fascinating. Checks and balances baby.


Megan said...

It's gonna be interesting, that's for sure.

Kal said...

Isn't there a Chinese curse that says, 'May you live in interesting times'.

Margaret Benbow said...

Kal, a very thoughtful post. Yes, "the free ride is over" for Repugnicans. Dems shouldn't be tearing their hair out over election results--because for the next two years the whole country will be witnessing the Repugs' pain, suffering and failure as they screw up dealing with actual problems. (They always do.). And 2012 is---a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION YEAR!