Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pepsi Throwback

You may all remember that months ago I was talking about how much I would like to try PEPSI THROWBACK, the drink make with real sugar and not high fructose corn syrup. I imagined it to be a liquid trip to the past where Pepsi had some bite to it and Coke was not the caramel sludge it has become.

I am not a coffee drinker but I love a nice cold Pepsi with pretty much everything. I tried going the diet pop route but that aftertaste is a killer. It's like my tongue is sensitive to aspertine.

Brother Jamie heard my plea and sent me SIX of these 20 oz beauties. (I feel like Gimli in Lord of the Rings who asked for one strand of golden hair from Lady Galadrial but she gave him three).

There is definitely a different taste to Throwback that you can recognize right away. Not as much sting as from a regular today Pepsi but I liked the flavor. More of a 'glass bottle' taste if that makes any sense. There is also NO after taste. It tastes like nostalgia - like the homemade pop my buddy makes in his garage.

Thanks again to Jamie for hooking a brother up. One more thing I can cross off my bucket list.


Paladin said...

That's cool. I'm a Pepsi guy, myself, but I haven't tried the throwback edition.

Do you guys get Dr. Pepper up there? I've never been a fan of DP in general, but there's a small bottling plant in a tiny town south of here that bottles it with Cane Sugar in little 6 oz glass bottles like they did way back when. Stuff is awesome when I can get it.

Kal said...

Anything in glass bottles taste much better than cans and plastic. I don't know why that it but it's true. Not a fan of Dr. Pepper. Drank to much of it once. Have the same attitude towards creame soda.

Budd said...

I think it has a smoother flavor and you are right, no aftertaste.

Have you ever had canned water, yuck!

M. D. Jackson said...

I used to drink Pepsi by the bucketload (or more accurately, by the 7-11 Big Gulp load), but I have given it up. I used to like Dr Pepper, but my favourite was RC Cola, which had the added advantage of being hard to find so when you found one you really enjoyed it.

And I actually prefer it in the can rether than the plastic bottles, although I haven't had a cola out of a glass bottle in decades.

Sarah said...

I'm a Mt Dew girl all the way, but I was very surprised to find I liked the Mt Dew throwback when it was available last year around this time.

I forced myself to switch to diet Dew a couple of years ago. It took me awhile to get used to the taste, but now when I drink a regular pop it tastes way too syrupy and thick. I know aspartame isn't good for you either, but at least it doesn't add to my middle section.

TS Hendrik said...

It's good stuff. You're right though, it doesn't have the same bite. said...

They should Throwback all the sodas. I'm glad Jamie hooked you up. We wouldn't want your blogging activity to slow down at all. Fabulous comment on my post again, too. I think that stuff's working. xo Robyn

DrGoat said...

Love Pepsi throwback. I'm old enough to actually remember when there wasn't any high fructose CS.
They also sell Mexican Coke at Cosco here, in bottles. Real sugar.
Pretty good.

Hart Johnson said...

Is THAT why pop tastes so different than it did when i was a kid?! I don't normally pay attention to such things, but i bet this is responsible in the decline of A&W root beer, too...

Kal said...

Oh A&W rootbeer is the best. In those chilled glasses or that hillbilly jub they also used to sell it in.

Big J said...

glad it got there in one piece, the USPS swore it would explode so I had to send it UPS< any happy to help,


Tempo said...

So now what you going to do? Once you run out of the good fuel. I imagine you setting up a Pepsi still in your garage....

D.I. Felipe González said...

I'm glad for you. I, personally, don't drink Pepsi (my cola drink of choice is Lulu Cola, real sugar!).