Colin over at Lubbert-Das produced these 'Black Swan' sketches that look brilliant to me. These can stand proudly alongside all the great posters I have already seen for this terrific movie. This has been a really good year for movies and the Oscars are something I actually care about this go round.
There's much in the world that you can't explain.
It's revealed for you to remember
by the whispering voice of a distant train
or a midnight rain in november.
Horizon within! You can always find
the keys to Enigma. Let's mention
one basic Truth: of spirited Mind
Is Nature naught but extension.
Internal expanses! In dreams, ridden
by fear and longing you roam
that deep Southeast in your soul hidden
...on your random journey back home.
Single Swingle
Casualidad sopla la sangre
de alguno señor desconocido
durante los pocos restantes
momentos del resplandor de faroles
que se vislumbran tras el follaje
flameando de las obsesiónes
igual efimero como gotas
del cinzano de la soledad –
En aquel tiempo me levanta
dentro uno incidente avejentado
que en seguida palidece
al camouflaje de abstraccion;
chica, nadie conoce que tus grisos
ojos significan aún; con todo
el sueño que hube evacuado
tu escudriñas nuevamente.
My Spanish poetry!
and... my UNIQUELY styled Wallpapers!
Weathertime Wallpaper Windows
And: reciprocity. You do me a favor promoting your blog on mine!
- Peter Ingestad, Sweden
Great. Stupid shit. Fuck Off.
What Kal said...
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