I just heard from Sam that he has not been able to send me comments because my site wouldn't allow that. I have it set so people can see their comments when they first make them. They don't have to wait for my moderation. I only clicked the moderation setting for a very short but went back to the usual way after a day.
As always what you comment you can see with the others the second after you make it. I even enable anonymous comments which I haven't allowed before and those have been showing up. Any ideas out there to what I may be doing wrong that would cause Blogger to lock people out of commenting at my site?
For a long while there, the Name/URL option had for some reason disappeared. Google Account and Open ID were the only available options, forcing one to sign up with a third party just to leave comments. Didn't like that and didn't do it. Just glad it's back the way it was.
Sorry I missed sharing the joy that was your discovery of Firefly...
I am sorry you weren't their either. It was sweet and one of the best things about last year.
I was warned that this series would break my heart if I got involved with but it was better to have loved, lost and suffered because of that to have never loved in the first place at all.
Everyone who loves this show understands that.
Zoic, the digital effects company that did the FX for Firefly and Battlestar Galactica, snuck a little homage to Firefly into the BSG pilot/miniseries.
In the scene where Laura Roslyn is awaiting her diagnosis in the medical centre on Caprica (before the attack), look carefully at the air traffic in the sky outside. You'll spot Serenity cruising by...
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