Girls From Boston

Asian Cosplayers

Girl's Who Pretend To Be Devils But Really Are Devils

Black and White Photography That Illuminates Timeless Beauty

Girls Who Wear Red In The Winter

Girls Who Can Hold There Breath Under Water For A Really Long Time

Girls Who Absorb Light At A Cellular Level

Girls Who Rule At Power Girl Cosplay

Unique Hairstyles

Strength Beyond Their Tiny Size

Fantastic Eyes

At the risk of sounding like Dr. Phil, that will be true as long as you keep telling it to yourself.
Change up your story, Cal. Tell yourself you WILL have a girlfirend and it just might happen.
I say it to myself because I don't want to fail again. I am just fearful of being alone for the next two months if you want the total truth.
Okay...I will bite the bullet. Fly me up there and we will party like rock stars for 8 weeks.
I don't want you to lose your teaching job despite how much fun it would be rocking each other's world. I would love to hand around the house with you. We could grow giant pumpkins and take the kids for rides around the neighborhood.
Holy Cow you never mentioned giant pumpkins...those are freaking awesome!
Well we would have to grow them so large that we could carve out cars and wheels and pull it up and down the street with an steam engine.
Any of those women would be lucky to have you.
YOU are right, DrGoat.
Ah Boston girls. Well that Boston girl anyways... :)
Cal all of those ladies plus more would love to be girlfriend buddy.
Yes they would...and they would be lucky to have you and your giant pumpkins. ;P
We love you for your face too, Cal. :)
Cal, I know you like your fortress of solitude, but girls dig the more tropical climes. There just may be a shortage of womans up there.
She's out there. =D
In case it doesn't let you follow, it's The Moody Blues singing: I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE SOMEWHERE.
I think Budd is on to something here. You know...cold can be painful for extended bits of time...just saying.
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