My favorite lunch. Just add cashews, cheese, fresh bread and snap peas.
Yeh, that is the good stuff. One sip upon your first cough and you will be cured. Of course you would have to sleep 72 hours before the effects of this brew got to you. Not a problem. One sip puts you into a serious coma for exactly three days. Only get sick on a long weekend.
Can never have too much Harley Quinn cosplay.
Not enough Monster High cosplay for my liking either.

Mangoe. She the model for the space robot I will be taking with me to Mars. I am happy to have finally agreed on a design. My boys in Japan are happy to finally have some photos to work with as they make the outer skin of the android. I want her programmed with all pop cultural files we have and ready for test runs by the New Year. What? I deserve a robot friend in space on the 3 year journey. Don't judge me.
I don't care that the Chinese got to Mars first, I want to know what the Fortune Cookie message was?
I so want My Super Best Friends Forever figures.
I would love one of these old time machines but a PEPSI one.
With glass bottles.
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