The Cave of Cool Silver Bullet Award - designed as a gift to those individuals in our society who need to use this special ammunition to do away with themselves as a gift to the rest of us.
Don't get all PC on me and say that asking people to kill themselves is a terrible thing. It is. I know that. But there are certain individuals, like former award winner Sarah Palin, who if you heard had used a silver bullet to kill herself, you would say, "Meh".
And these are REALLY evil asshats. People who just take up oxygen that can be better spent on orphans in war torn countries. People who contribute nothing positive to human civilization. I expect to see many so called 'celebutantes' appear.
Why silver bullets? Because we all know that normal ammunition will never bring these creeps down because they have some dark magic protecting them.
So join in with other terrible people and tell me who YOU would nominate for our 2010list? Voting ends New Years Eve 2010. There may even be a Canadian centric gift to some of those visitors who take the time to leave their thoughts. Limit to three names so really think about who you really hated most this year.
Also if anyone wants to create a nice image with silver lettering to go with the above picture, it would be greatly appreciated by this blogger and will be rewarded.
My unlimited love to you all - Calvin
I would like to nominate, as a group, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church who not only disrespect, devaluate, and continually attempt to destroy the happiness of the entirety of the LGBT community, but also feel the need to picket the funerals of fallen service men. They do nothing but spread hatred, fear, and destruction. If they disappeared, I just might throw a party.
Thanks you for a good start. They certainly earned their place on the list.
I second Katie's nomination and would suggest Sarah Palin again - as she scares the bejeepers out of me!
The entire Kardashian clan. Or is that too much?
Whole families of asshats are allowed. More good choices. And don't worry about Sarah Palin being a previous winner, she can still win until the deed is done and we are all finally free of her.
While I get the nomination of so-called celebrities, ultimately they are mostly harmless - however Palin is a potential threat to the future of humanity if ever she actually gains some modicum of real power!
I nominate all obstructionist right wing politician in every western country. And I also nominate all the left wingers who help them.
I thot and thot but I has to go with Katie. Those self-righteous prigs at Westboro are number one on the to do list.
Yeah...I can't really top the Westboro Church. Hm...Paris Hilton?
Wow thought and thought took me all of 1 min. Katie nailed it and Sarah Palin has to stay on the list So only room for Glen Beck to make a three asshat party. Get 'em in the head like the walkers or that mouth will keep flappin like a zombie in the park lawn.
BTW three is way too short a list, a good clip holds 15.
+1 on the Westboro group. I participated in an informal group that stood between them and a Jewish Community Center they were protesting in Dallas recently (because the "Joos killed Christ, ya' know"). They are a prime example of why its wrong to marry your sister.
Don't mean to hijack the comments thread here, but several people brought her name up and I'm always curious when people express so much ire toward Sarah Palin. Any specific issue based reasons or policy stances behind the dislike?
Its ok to dislike her just because she rubs you the wrong way, of course, but I'm more interested in specifics rather than personality based objections to her - if anyone wants to share them.
the idiots at westboro are not baptist, although I realize they refer to themselves this way. Why should we call them that, it almost gives them an air of legitimacy.
my nomination goes to the guy that killed Natalee Holloway.
I have to nominate Al Gore for telling everybody else that they have to reduce their carbon footprints while he maintains seven houses and flies all over the world getting massages.
#1--Westboro haters for sure
#2--Sarah Palin, because she IS scary and unfortunately probably going to be America's first female president (the way the US is going to hell in a handbasket and based on my karma)
I have a few nominees in México:
1.-Cavernal Posadas
2.-Serrano Limón
3.-Norberto Rivera
(stange, my nominees are all part of the Catholic church).
I will answer Paladin in short answers IMHO as to not take a shit in Kal's sandbox.
She tried to use her office in Alaska to force her own opinion and ban books.
She claims to be a feminist but is anti abortion.
She has little respect for the environment while living in one of the places that screams "this is unspoiled nature."
Her husband works for BP but she claims to be neutral.
And every time I hear her speak I turn my head like the RCA dog, see also WTF did she say?
The views of this comment are my own and in no way represent the views of the cave of cool, or do they?
Thanks, csmith. That's just what I was looking for.
Back on topic for the original post, I'd like to nominate the following:
Carmela Dela Rosa - the grandmother that recently threw her 2 1/2 year old granddaughter from a 5th floor walkway, killing her.
Rone Nunez - Recently convicted of raping and killing a 9 year old girl that was the daughter of the people he was living with.
Gilbert Knowles - who beat his girlfriends 2 yr old son to death when the boy's mother left the child in his care, even though Knowles was whacked out on alcohol and cocaine at the time. I'll throw in "Mom" for free.
I wouldn't trust any of these miscreants to do the deed themselves, though. I'd be more than happy to cut out the middle man. I can even supply my own gear, so we can save money on silver bullets and have a party at the Cave of Cool afterwards.
I could add that Palin has a severe persecution complex. I use the latest issues with daughter Willow. Instead of chastising her child for calling another kid a fag for not liking her mother's new show, Sarah defended Willow with lies that Willow was only defending her disabled brother/nephew Trig which was NEVER MENTIONED BY THE KID'S EMAIL. She lies with such regularity it's an autonomic response. And they are not even good lies. They are routed out so easily and she doesn't care. Everything feeds her massive ego. She is stupid but you can't fix stupid.
Felipe and Paladin - anyone who hurts children get an automatic regular bullet to the back of the head - soviet style - then we bill the family the cost of the bullet.
I loathe Sarah Palin because she's (a) beloved of a not-insignificant portion of the American people, and (b) she is fucking stupid. Seriously, there isn't a single issue out there she's right about. She is about one thing and one thing only: Sarah Palin. She's a whore, servicing a million studs.
She rails against "socialism" that doesn't exist from her vantage point as former governor of a state that literally takes big chunks of profit money from private oil companies and gives it to people in yearly checks. She's a lying, know-nothing shit of a human being, and lots of people want her to be President.
When she couldn't even handle finishing one term as the governor of fucking Alaska, a state that pretty much runs itself.
Yeh, I can confirm that Palin will make our final voting list for sure for the 3rd year in a row. I so wish I could mail her the prize or present it to her in person.
I so appreciate all the comments that have been made on this topic. Continue to vote. I will remind you each week lest you concider someone fresh before the end of the month.
Glenn Beck
the guy in charge of the Old Navy commercials
Before I nominate my 3, I will say this about Palin:
While I truly hate her and all she represents, I am actually greatful for her. Why, you ask??? Well, for starters, she makes everyone else who is not associated with look 1000% smarter whenever she speaks. Take the North Korea mistake from last week, calling them our allies. The fact that she has the ability to talk is a strength of the DEMOCRAT party.
Secondly, if she should happen to win the presidency in the future (Gah!!!) it might be a short term travesty but over the long haul might actually BE WONDERFUL for the country. Again, you are probably asking why. Because her term would be sooooo filled with mistakes, mis-steps, and errors that she could single handely bring down the Republican party to an all new low, killing the party and the dominant two party system along with it. Palin is a piece of straw, and once she became President I feel like she would become accquainted with the camels back quite expeditiously.
Ill be back in a few with my 3... hope you guys see where Im coming from.
For my 3, I am being a bit selfish. These are the 3 I WANT to see killed by magic bullet. There are plenty others who deserve the punishment more, but these are the ones I would like to see die... now.
1)Kate Goselin- This shitbucket basically agreed (and still agrees) to pimp out her 8 kids for no apparent reason other then to make money. Sure, her ex husband John is a scumbag... but he doesn't make like he is not. He embraces it with every Ed Hardy T Shirt he wears. Kate, on the other hand, cries about not being looked at as a good mom and how she is demonized. Good luck with those 8 kids who are sure to become degenerates with this bitch trying to teach them the right way to act.
2) Pedophiles- I hope that we can one day come up with a vaccine that ensures the minute someone has an inapproriate thought about a child, their head will explode, Scanners style. Since we are probably a ways away from that, I'll settle for shooting these animals in the head. Pedophiles have no excuse, are the lowest form of scum on the planet, and as an educator represent the largest abuse of power that I can imagine. This is the worst crime our society commits, and I would purge it one headshot at a time.
3) Any politician who votes against "Don't ask, Don't tell" or Gay Marriage. Listen, this is self explanatory. If you are against inclusion of Gays in the military and are against Gays having the right to marriage, then you are against Gays... thats that. If you are against any particular group of people, you are a bigot & a piece of shit, and are not fit to hold office. I might not agree with most Republican ways of thinking, but they make some points that are understandable. Maybe not the way I think, but its their opinion. Voting against Gays having equal rights in any way psossible is not Republican, its bullshit. And it should automatically qualify you for a bullet to the domepiece. No politician would ever come out agaisnt women voting, or blacks eating in the same restaurants as whites... so in this day and age how do they still get away with voting down Gay rights bills???
Thanks Kal... this was a great mental excercise!!!!
Mike D, I also want Palin to run for President herself because she is our best friends when it comes to propping up a total numnut to compare to our own conteder. There is no way that she will even get her party's nomination. I predict her ego will force her to run independant or in a third party like the Tea Baggers.
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