When I was much younger I loved the movie 'Logan's Run'. Always was a fan of Michael York especially in 'Logan's Run' and 'The Three and Four Musketeers' Jenny, however didn't put out a lot of movies but that wasn't necessary to get my love. This is a fantastically sexy picture of her that I have never seen. Her and Caroline Munro are definitely my favorite 70s sex symbols.
I'm sure your also a fan of "An American Werewolf in London" as well? Yes? ;P
Oh totally. Who didn't watch that one a thousand times in the 80s when videos first became all the rage.
She was white hot sexy back in the day but she hasn't aged well.
American Werewolf in London is howling good fun! she was awesome in that, what a hunnie!! i've still never seen all of Logans Run though. i'll bet it dates badly nowadays!
She looks like Jan Smithers (WKRP) in that picture
This looks like Jan Smithers because it IS Jan Smithers.
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