Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Keep Talking Dumbass

We don't ever have to worry about Sarah Palin being a nail in our skulls for very much longer. Every time this unrepentant narcissist opens her mouth, the deeper the hole she digs for herself. It's actually fun to watch. When Newt Gingrich is telling you to shut up you know your goose is cooked. There is not a thing that happens these days that this twit cannot spin into some kind of attack on her and her family. Somehow, the shooting in Arizona was a left wing conspiracy to go after her. What a monstrous ego. The saddest thing is she will never see her own culpability in the downfall that she created for herself. What goes around, comes around.


Ricky Shambles said...

I declare her President of Asshattery! Now she can stop.

Seriously, though, I hope her and Bachmann and O'Donnell fire up the vestal hearthfires and form an impenetrable "three sisters" firestorm of support that blocks any viable candidate from gaining headway and then when the primaries are over, Obama can CRUSH them. That would be delicious.

Kal said...

Wouldn't that be a beautiful thing to behold. Who would be the queen idiot in that retarded hive? Not a brain cell between them. And anything that wipes those stupid frozen grins off their faces I approve of. Watching them fail would be very satisfying. I hope we get the chance to see that.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I'm afraid of Americans.

Kal said...

Who isn't? They are like Germans. Everything can be going along fine and BAM, they loose their freakin' minds and suddenly want to take over the world.

csmith2884 said...

Hey no fair, if she has to represent America as a whole, then Robert Pickton has to do the same for Canada.

Kal said...

No that is a bit extreme. For all her sins I see no proff yet that Palin fed anyone she murdered to the hogs, then fed that hog meet to people.

DrGoat said...

I think she's capable of it. Scary thing is, some people think she can do no wrong.

csmith2884 said...

I was just saying ..she is not from my America