In my continuing efforts to make this blog the best it can be I have decided to do feature posts on individuals who contribute to making the 'Cave of Cool' what it is today. I have been fortunate to surround myself with several kindred spirits who not only encourage me but challenge me to do better each time I write a post.
First up is MD, the artiste (and I need the 'e' taked on the end because this guy in in a league all his own) who created my current header. If you check out his site you will see his other unique pieces and I am sure you will agree with me that his stuff is terrific.
I was reading about his commission rates (a steal) and that directly inspired me to seek out professionals that could provide me with a truly epic header for my blog. I think you will agree that both Becca and MD knocked it out of the park.
Here he explains what his thought process was for creation of this piece. I am forever grateful for his support and friendship.
"This is the header art that I did for the blog CALVIN'S CANADIAN CAVE OF COOL. I am a long time follower of Cal Heighton's entertaining blog and in that time I have gotten to know Cal fairly well. So when he asked me to do artwork for the blog I was quite excited about it.
Cal's interest range widely and creating a single image that encompassed it all proved a challenge. I wanted it to be loaded with awesome stuff, just like the blog, but at times it threatened to become so overloaded as to be incomprehensible.
I chose to depict Cal as a mythic figure with a vaguely "steampunk" flavour. Like King Arthur on his way to Avalon, Cal needed to be surrounded by female figures. I chose two of his favourites: Selena Gomez and Kat Dennings. There is a third in the background. The tiny figure of Christina Hendricks waits patiently for Cal to return to the Cave of Cool.
Like any action hero he had to have a commanding presence in the exact center of the image. I did base the facial features on a picture of Cal but obscured them with the goggles and the aviator's hat. The epic whiskers are all his, though. The leather coat he wears is based on my daughter's bomber jacket. She calls it her "Adventurer's Coat" and I am only slightly jealous of it despite the fact that the thing doesn't fit me at all.
I had so much fun making this image from scouring through literally thousands of references to blocking out the perfect composition to painting all of the tiny details. I was very pleased with the way it turned out and I was very happy that Cal liked it so much. It has been vary well received over at his blog."
You don't even know what us Texans are saying about the cave of "cool"... Wait! Was that I moose I just saw back there? Hecks yeah! I gotta go check that out...
"Oh great. There she goes into the woods without a care in the world like a toddler chasing after the cat. Well she is done. I that her purse? Hand it to me. Her loose change is now up for grabs. What? She is what? No one can ride a moose....well pull my lips off...will you look at THAT!"
I was just stopping by to praise MD's work. I didn't know I'd get a show of Kal fumbling through Cotton's purse and Cotton riding a moose - while Kal's lips fall off.
Wew, it sure is looking to be an exciting new year!
Right, Robyn? Hop on you two, coffee's on me...
If I still had lips you would hear me say that this is my purse, not hers. Now you will question why I have a purse if I am a dude? My answer to that will be that I find European trends to be very progressive and I am nothing if I am not on the cutting edges of popular culture.
We call it a 'murse' or a 'manbag'. So, YES, I have two 'manbags' instead of the usual one on me right now.
You just can't leave well enough alone and let a man have his secrets, can you?
Dude. I knew it wasn't my purse. I've never carried one. I was just hoping it belonged to the moose.
Hopes dashed.
Well it was full of wild flowers and moose DO love a nice wild flower salad so I think you may be onto something there.
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