Okay before I rave about the coolness of the 'time delayed out of phase traffic accident' I just got to say it - Joshua Jackson, moody action hero/leading man? Who would have ever thunk it? He was the heart of this first episode as we finally see him step up and realize (maybe without him knowing it himself) that he actually cares about this 'burden' he has been forced into as a 'fringe' investigator. He hurts for his father and those around him in a way that is so foreign to his character but he nailed the performance because he got me to feel his hurt. We all know that following the hurt comes the rage so lets see some vengeance rain down on those who have damaged our beloved Olivia. Can't say enough good about this show. The dark side to 'Warehouse 13's light. Good times to be a geek. Also, is there any actor cooler to watch than the combination of John Noble as Walter and James Reddick as Agent Broyles. They are both EMMY BAIT. I am also very impressed with newcomer Meghan Markle as Agent Jessup (who gets extra points for being dangerously cute). Her willingness to accept what she sees in front of her while keeping focused on the investigation is what made Olivia great last year. I hope she joins the team. It was a nice touch to have that scene at the end of Jessup adding to her list of Bible quotes from Revelations. Sounds like we gots us one of dem 'believers'. While that is NEVER a good thing in real life, its gonna be great from a fictional story perspective.
Haven't watched the season premiere yet, so I didn't read your post. Will come back to it when I have watched it. Love this show!
I just can't say enough good things about this show. I LOVE IT!!!! Walter is genius, Joshua Jackson perfect, and Olivia, love her. Such a great cast of characters and the show reminds me much of X Files. I like all of that "can't figure out why that is" kind of stuff.
Finally watched it and it was GREAT. Just what we want from a scifi show. Love that Olivia can't remember all that she saw. Love the end, too, that was dark. Sad, but good for story!
Fun Fringe times ahead!
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