I must be the only person who is going into this new HBO fantasy series without having any knowledge whatsoever about the source material by George R.R. Martin. The fact that it began with chopped up bodies left in the snow and heads on pikes, I knew this fantasy series would be right up my alley.

I also have the additional benefit of not being let down by an adaptation that does not live up to expectation. This show has to win me over with whatever I see on the small screen. So far I am hooked. Even the opening titles are terrific and promise a complex world where storytelling and character take a front seat to everything else.

You can't go wrong with anything Sean Bean is in. When it comes to playing characters with a fantasy or medieval bent, he is your go-to guy. I was tempted to build up several weeks worth of episodes before starting to watch this but I couldn't.

I was so impressed with all parts of this production - acting, script, costumes, setting - all in service of a larger epic. The little details (for example the young princes being shaved) are fantastic. This is world building of the highest order and can only be done on a specialty network like HBO. I ended the first hour with a million questions but also the confidence that everything would become clear in time.

It will take me awhile to get to know all the characters and their relationships to each other but with the series already being renewed for a second season, it appears I will have all the time in world to learn all I need to. I think I already know who to like and who to hate.

"I think I already know who to like and who to hate."
Don't be too sure.
Don't get attached to anyone just yet.
don't spoil him guys...I'd love to see him review this unspoiled...
Here's what I know so far. I hate the guy with the white hair and the guy who is screwing his sister - after all, he did push a ten year old kid out the window. I know I will like the dwarf because the actor playing him is awesome and his will exceed everyone's expectations of him as will 'the bastard'. Sean Bean will look troubled and his youngest daughter will be nothing BUT trouble as she grows up. Oh and someone will own a magic cat that grants wishes.
"The young princes being shaved" . . . where, exactly? This could have disturbing implications.
I watched some of this when I had HBO, but that's out of the budget for awhile. It looked good. Last thing I saw was the kid getting pushed out the window by the prick.
You'll have to let me know if it is worthwhile to Netflix when it comes out.
I will probably be writing about what I think of each episode as it comes out.
Speaking as a hard core AGOT fan, I will let you know this Kal, I was not disappointed in the least, it is not a perfect retelling of the book, (any more than the lord of the rings movies, or Watchmen is a shot by shot recreation) but it is a very faithful adaptation. Also not to spoil but so far no magic wish granting cats (unless I missed that chapter)
I am glad to hear that as a fan you are happy with what you have seen so far. I didn't read the novel DUNE until after I saw the David Lynch movie. It was good to have faces to put with all the names. I may have to do the same with AGOT once this first season is over. Hopefully someone will tell me when the TV episodes catch up with the first book.
My understanding is that the first season is the first book, so the second will be the second book. (By the time they get to the third book, they'll really need to have more than ten episodes.)
Hopefully by the time they've got the fifth book (which isn't even out yet) ready to air and are gearing up to film the sixth book, there actually IS a sixth book.
I also have not read any of the books. After the first episode I really want to, but the last time I did that I was then disappointed in the show.
Only creepy thing was the incest. Kinda grossed me out a bit.
So I can assume Jaquandor that after the ten episodes of season one I can read the first book before season two begins. Cool. Might just read the first two between the seasons to alter my experiences
I am with you BREA, I hope those incest twins get what is coming to them for not only being immoral freaks but for pussing that kid out of the window onto his poor puppy.
I agree with Big J - excellent job so far. I don't know how well they will do as the series progresses and the number of characters becomes even more immense - they're going to have to do something about that.
I hope you read the books Cal I think you'd really get into them.
I love Arya, she is my favorite character in the books. Jaime is interesting as well, despite his flaws.
Tyrion is a hoot.
I have read 3 of the 4 that are out and have the 4th here ready to go. they are so big that you really have to clear a spot for them. they take a few weeks for me to read.
I have the 1st episode on my hard drive. thought I would let a few come out before diving in.
looks good though.
"a complex world where storytelling and character take a front seat to everything else."
GRR Martin's series has this in spades, but my hope is that HBO will do a fantastic job with the action scenes as well.
I think the battles will have much more impact if I really get to know the characters before they are placed in danger. I actually screamed at my computer screen when I watched Incest Guy push that little kid out the window.
I am glad that even in Martin's imaginary world that schtopping one's sister is still not okay.
There are very few battle scenes in the books. It's pretty interesting how he words (I meant to type that) around them. There's plenty of aftermath, though.
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