I am happy to say that with a combination of exercise, medication and diet that I have really gotten my blood sugar levels under control. A happy side effect of originally being diagnosed in December with Type 2 Diabetes is that now I feel better than I have in years. I have more energy to put towards swimming (my new favorite activity) and I can actually get to sleep most nights.

Diabetes runs in my family so I have been taking blood tests for the past 2 years so that once I was diagnosed, I could get an early start attacking the disease's side effects. I am terrified to lose a foot due to poor circulation or letting the complications associated with diabetes result in blindness, which for me is the worse thing I can ever imagine happening.

I don't fool myself by saying that I can cut the 'bad' foods out of my diet because that is not realistic. Like everything else I ingest, moderation seems to be the key to my health successes.

I think I needed the diagnosis to motivate me to change my self destructing habits and to make those changes a permanent part of my life. To see positive results is very satisfying and encouraging. When I put my full effort and focus towards solving a problem or creating something new (like my blog) I rarely if ever experience failure. I think that effort deserves a reward so I am off to Tim Horton's for a box of twenty 'Timbits'.

Well done, Cal!
OMG, this post is making my mouth water!
Good for you, Cal. You're an inspiration!
I know I am an inspiration, you know I am an inspiration but when does that pay off for me in jelly donuts and Ukrainian mail order brides. Just another example of the MAN keeping a brother down.
Oh Kal, you're just teasing yourself mate. Maybe if you put up pics of carrot rings and other (yummy) veggies....Nah!
If I am going to cheat I might as well make it worth my while.
Hooray for you!
And yay! Rainbow ice cream. My fav!
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