The son of evangelical preacher Billy Graham is such a dickhead. I was never a fan of his father mostly because I can't stand being preached at by anyone, especially hypocrites who are quick to condemn me to hell for not seeing things their way. Plus Billy Graham's so called 'specials' always came on TV and replaced some better show that I had been waiting all week to see.
Since the elder Graham died, his douchebag of a son has taken over the family business and has used to bully pulpit to speak about things that alienate people from each other as opposed to bringing them together. His father was a wise enough man to package his message that lifted up the common man. I may not have respected much of what he said but I respected his way of saying it. Billy Graham never made you feel small or even evil for not seeing religion the way he saw it.
This weekend Franklin Graham dove head first into all this 'birther' nonsense and suggest that Obama just show his birth certificate and put the whole controversy to rest. We all know the President has already done that. He is America and by his own admission a Christian. Hearing that, the younger Graham immediately criticized the President for not being HIS kind of Christian. Who the hell does this idiot think he is?
How ignorant is it to question how a person interacts with their God? No one ever questions the way that Franklin is a Christian and neither should he question Obama's faith. He would never say this if Obama was a republican, or white.
So welcome to the wacky right wing of the Republican Party holy man and thank you for making yourself totally irrelevant to me and my generation for the rest of your life. I suspect that sooner, rather than later, we will discover that many of your judgements come from inside your glass house. Fuck you.
(I think I need to re-activate my Cave of Cool Silver Bullet Award - so many asshats deserving such a prestigious award)
Preach on brother Cal!
It's my own fault for listening to progressive radio and being a junkie for American politics and government. I can't stand religious hypocrates and stupid, hateful speech make me absolutely crazy. I hate it so much.
Dude, his father is still alive.
I am so sick of the "birther" movement thing. You know why it's called a movement? Because everyone knows it's a big pile of shit.
Never was a fan of Billy Graham either.
Religion is a belief and no one should condemn another person for believing in another way from them.
I am sorry to hear that Dr. Monkey. Maybe we can have a plane crash with them both on board to even out the numbers of people who deserve to die. It would have to be a first class flight because that would be the only way to get Donald Trump also on board.
I didn't know what comments you were referring to so I went and watched the video with Graham. It seems to me that he had some nice things to say about Obama. As far as Obama's birth certificate goes... I'd like to see it, too. There wouldn't be any controversy if he would just show it. Since he is unwilling, it follows that he may have something to hide. As far as Graham's remarks regarding Christianity... it makes sense to me that whatever Christ, Himself, said about being a Christian is what makes a person a Christian. What anyone else thinks a Christian should be is irrelevant. Whether Graham or Obama is a Christian in the way Christ describes His followers in the Bible... well, that's not for me to say. However, it's not a hateful thing to say that a Christian is someone that follows Christ in the way that Christ expects. I don't know Grahams source for saying that Obama believes simply attending church makes him a Christian. However, if true, it certainly doesn't line up with what Christ said makes someone His follower.
Edit... I see, Obama's certificate is from Hawaii. People just don't believe it's real. Ah... talking out of turn on the certificate. I thought there wasn't one, at all. Interesting. Why do people feel the Hawaii cert. is invalid?
When will you birthers get off the pot? Obama has shown his birth certificate. It is available to be seen online and you know you have never required any previous WHITE President to do the same. This is all part of the way hillbillies have tried to de-legitamize his Presidency right from the beginning. There is no 'there there' as they say. If he DID show it you would just find something wrong with it and never believe it was genuine anyway. It's a lose/lose for Obama. He is smart to say nothing about this issue because it makes all you birther nuts look ignorant and uninformed. No matter what this man does you will only ever find fault with him. Your racism doesn't allow you to do any less.
Also telling someone that are not Christian enough to satify the standards of some evangelical blowhard who hides behind his book of bronze age fairy tales is a coward in my book. Both Graham and Trump know that Obama is a citizen of the US but are cynically using this issue to devide people and energize the idiots in their base.
Don't you think if there was something to this controversy that the Clintons would surey have used it when Hillary was in the race for the democratic nomination against Barack in '08?
No one should be able to tell another what kind of Christian they have to be. There is not a checklist you have to follow. It's a person decision that is clear your Constitution that separates Church from State.(or did you forget that part of your precious founding document?). Graham knows all this and once again is using his soapbox to tell us what Jesus really believed in. Seems to me that any such God would accept anyone into heaven who have goodness in their hearts - and reject those who place judgement and limitations of a fellow human being's path to paradise.
As always I encourage you to stop following me if my opinions on anything bother you. In fact I hope you do go because I can't respect a person who drinks the conspiracy kool-aid in such abundance. You an embarrassment to thinking people everwhere.
Wow you really gave that guy a piece of your mind,Cal! =)
Anyway, I think it's obvious that you HAVE to be a Christian to be President of the U.S. At least that's what is important to the voters there. I also think it's weird that voters everywhere(not just Americans) feel that their presidents should be a wholesome family man. I also never understood the whole controversy of Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
I wish those voters who are so demanding that their politicians are god fearing family men would have something to say when the same men get involved in sex scandals. The same Rebublican who was all up in Clinton's face for his transgressions just quit the Senate to avoid an ethics investigation because he had an affair with the wife of one of his staffers and needed his parents to pay them hush money. It's always the ones who complain or fight against rights for gays that turns out to be gay themselves. It's the hypocracy that I find the most annoying. Don't even get me started about Newt Gingrich running running for president when he is on his third wife, two of which he divorced because they were sick with life threatening diseases. Nice family values ya douchbag. Not you Tempo, him.
Tell it like it is, Cal!
Wow, Cal. You seem to be filled with as much rhetoric and hate as the people you claim are filled with rhetoric and hate. Chill out and reread what I wrote. First off, I looked up what was going on with Obama's cert. and realized that I may have been in error saying he hadn't presented it. So, I posted again and asked a genuine question that I don't know the answer to. I genuinely don't know why there's an issue. As far as Christianity is concerned, you jumped down my throat for saying that a Christian should be what Christ said a Christian should be? Wow. Can someone that wants to be a Marine just do as they please and become a Marine? Can a Muslim disregard the teachings of Mohammed and still be a good Muslim? All I was saying is that it makes sense that the originator of an idea or belief system creates the gold standard of what following that individual or idea system constitutes. I even went so far as to say that I DIDN'T KNOW what Obama or Graham believe about Christianity and made no judgments toward either one of them. I think you were ready to "jump" on someone and my comments came closest to an "anti" position for you. ...and, for the record, aren't you telling me what to believe? Aren't you telling me that what I might believe (or at least what you think I believe) is wrong? That's kind of hypocritical, don't you think? Since that's the basis of your point for hating Graham in the first place?
BTW, Thanks for going out of your way to insult me for, what I thought, was a genuine, cool-headed comment.
You even called me a racist.
Billy Graham is probably the most genuine person there is. Don't know much about Franklin except that he has political aspirations.
I went to a Billy Graham crusade several years ago. He is a great speaker and is able to show his faith in his words and actions.
One more thing and then I've said what I want to say... unless you want to continue this discussion (which might be better served in private).
I was nothing but respectful with you and was only sharing my opinion on the matter you brought up. That was met with putting words in mouth, so to speak, and name calling. You called me things like "birther nut," you accused me of racism, I think you called me a coward, and definitely "an embarrassment." You even went so far as to insinuate that I was a stupid "unthinking" person. To top it off, you basically told me to stay away from your blog.
All of this as a response to respectfully sharing my position on the issue you brought up in your post. I like you Cal and I like your blog. We probably don't agree on many, if any, theological issues but I' know we do enjoy a lot of the same geeky things.
So, you are ready to "kick me to the curb" for my beliefs... which I shared very little of, actually. Isn't that the exact type of behavior that you are supposedly rallying against? Think about it.
Brian, Cal...
i hope you have had a chance to talk 2 one another one on one about this. i know in my heart that Cal wouldn't really want to be hateful 2 you Brian- i think he was just "letting it all out", right or wrong. Cal, Brian is right- talking that way about folks could hurt someone's feelings or offend them and that's no better than the kind of thinking you are fighting against. You are passionate about free-thinking i know, so be careful- it's no good wishing someone dead & all that stuff. i look up to you both, please don't break my heart- love one another & forgive, please, please, please. we need people like the both of you in this world, and we need you together...
With Love, Colin
I appreciate your efforts Colin, I really do. But sometimes I get so sick of the damage that people who put themselves forward as icons of virtue do. Besides it's my blog and I will rant at whatever I want to rant at or about. I don't need to be convinced I was wrong or talk out of my opinion. It's not going to happen. I am sorry if Brian took things personally. My venom was not directed at him. This is the last I will be saying on the subject. Everyone is free to move on or not. I consider the matter closed.
Your venom was most definitely directed at me. That's okay, though, because I understand where you are coming from. If you knew me personally, I have a feeling we would get along fine, despite our difference in beliefs.
...or maybe not since getting along is a two-way street and you don't seem to have the decency to address me, personally, unless you are trying to vilify me.
I'm done.
Kal sorry but there isn't an automatic 1:1 ratio between the birthers and racism. Yes they are giving him crap for something that didn't seem to bother them too much earlier, but the reasons they dislike obama run a whole mountain range of hate. It does it a disservice to think it's all just racism.
Lazarus Lupin
art and review
Regardless of the debate, since that is over, I gotta say. If YOUR blog isn't where you can stand on your soapbox for as long and as loud as you want, where the hell would you?
Thank you for elegantly making my point once again cs. I don't wish to be reasonable or talked down off the roof. It's my blog and I write what I want. Everyone is of course free to come and go as they please if they feel offended.
Here's the thing, Cal. It is your blog and you CAN rant all you want about whatever you want. Totally agree. However, when someone that doesn't agree with your point of view tries to have a civil conversation about the topic that YOU brought up, you show yourself to be just as small-minded and bigoted as the people you are supposedly speaking out against. I am a Christian and my beliefs don't line up with yours... so, you blasted me. How are you different than the people you hate? I'd love to know.
Kal said
"It's a person decision that is clear your Constitution that separates Church from State.(or did you forget that part of your precious founding document?). "
I own a copy of the Constitution and separation of Church and state is not mentioned in it or any other founding document.
After reading your rant I see that you have fallen victim of believing what the media tells you to Bible in so many areas.
Examine the facts and hold fast to what is true
Should be.
"believing what the media tells you to believe in so many areas."
I love the logic here: "The words 'separation of church and state' do not occur in that order in the Constitution, so therefore the Constitution has nothing to say on the topic." So we can ignore pertinent parts of the Constitution, such as, oh, the First Amendment.
As for why Cal's mean to people who show up in his comments, well, cry me a river. When someone stands up and says, "I find this kind of behavior repugnant", you don't really get to expect a high level of friendliness when you step in to agree with that which he finds repugnant. You're the ones touching the hot stove and then crying about the ouchies on your fingertips. (It's also fun to see someone say they're done, and then come back less than a day later to keep whining.)
Thanks for your comments Jaquandor . I fully expect you to blast me when you think I am out of line. I choose to let this one go because there is no convincing some people that their sacred cows have gotten dust on them. You are a good friend and appreciate your help in this case.
I can handle "ouchies." No whining, either... If you think standing up for yourself is whining, then I don't know what to tell you. That's the fun of the internet, isn't it? You get to say whatever you want to whoever you want with immunity. I was just trying to be part of the discussion... I don't think I'll make that mistake again.
Cal, all I really wanted was to have a discussion with you about the topic you presented. I could care less if you believe the way I do. In fact, I always find it fun to discuss this kind of stuff with people who do believe differently. Maybe we'll have another chance, someday.
I'm done.
No, wait... okay, now I'm done.
Okay, I'll go now... I've got some sacred cows that need feeding.
To Brian,
I think Cal has made his positions quite clear, and I don't think they'd be made clearer by discussing it with you. You have also made your points clearly. So, I think both of you can go home at the end of the day satisfied.
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