Friday, April 29, 2011

If You Remember This Cartoon Strip Then You Are My People

Opus the penquin, Bill the Cat and the rest of the crew? This was a fantastic newspaper strip from the 80s that knew how to make a point while making a joke. I have all the treasuries. There may never be new strips but I will always have the Christmas cartoon - 'A Wish For Wings That Work' to enjoy every holiday season. Makes me wish that the 'Calvin and Hobbes' creator had produced something similar. You already have Calvin's great snowman gags. Just add a nice Christmas message and collect the royalties for the next 100 years of replays.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I adored Opus and Bill! The worst thing Berkley Breathed ever did was stopping that cartoon strip.

Tim Knight said...

Remember it? I had the Billy And The Boingers' floopy 7" single!

Tim Knight said...

Of course I meant to write "floppy"...

Lazarus Lupin said...

Also Remember near the end they replaced Bill the cat's brain with Donald Trump. Just keep that image in your brain for the coming months.

Lazarus Lupin
Art and review

Matt said...

This was BY FAR my favorite comic strip. It was pure genius.

Kal said...

'Wish For Wings That Work' is a great holiday cartoon. It's got Bill the cat and the perfect voice for Opus. I love the way he saves the day by rescuing Santa and his sleigh. Fantastic stuff.

Anonymous said...

Oop Ack! I love Bloom County. I still have this book!

Kal said...

My favorite parts of 'Bloom Country' were when they combined the funny with some really biting social commentary about America at the time. Southpark owes much of it's sucess to that kind of mindset.

Sam G said...

They should have kept their old name...DeathTongue! Still have this book.