Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Well, They Would Know


TS Hendrik said...

Oh you can't trust him. He's a Dinosaur Party dissenter.

Grammy said...

Ha. I'll bet they would!

Kal said...

So TS, you are telling me that the Dinosaur Party doesn't believe in EXTINCTION? They think it's junk science? Is this party actively involved in covering up the truth? I need to rethink my support if that is the case. Are they the Republicans of the Jurassic Period?

csmith2884 said...

I tend to think all most all Republicans are of the Jurassic period. Or just stuck there. Sorry Paladin you know you are one of the exceptions to that thinking.

TS Hendrik said...

You misunderstand, the Dinosaur Party believes in extinction, but they're not prepared to put a date on it. He was on the outs with them so he decided to run a smear campaign, suggesting that dinosaurs won't be around for the 2012 elections.

Kal said...

Well then he is going to look stupid when 2012 ends and they all are still around. Can't be putting all your eggs in that one basket. I prefer a more inclusive agenda though you don't get more inclusive than total extinction.