I enjoy TV from all over the world. With bit torrent I can get weekly episode of shows I ordinarily wouldn't have access too. I wish the satellite got channels from all over the world and not just Canada and the US. I particularly like the cop dramas like 'City Homicide' and the new 'Cops - L.A.C.'

'Cops' stars the gorgeous Kate Richie who is one of those women who you can't stop looking at whenever she is on screen. I admit she was the attraction for me to start watching this show but I came to like the other characters too.
Like many of the shows from England that I like, these Australian shows are full of local scenery and language that is unique to that country. We may all speak English but we have totally different expressions and ways of explaining things. It's fun trying to figure out what they are talking about when they use local colloquialisms.

Check both those shows out if you are a downloader. They are interesting and different from the rash of 'procedurals' we get her in North America.
is that the bird who used to be in Home & Away? she looks better than I remember. . .
I do believe that is her.
My experience with Australian TV extends as far as Skippy the Bush Kangaroo and Farscape (which, I know, wasn't really Australian, was just filmed there)
Ah Kate Richie be still my beating heart I've always had a soft spot for her. But tell me Kal don't you think she bares more than a passing resemblance to the psychedelictits girl? http://psychedelictits.tumblr.com/
OMG Nick. I just realized that. They could be sisters. And I LOVE the Psychodelic tit's girl. I love that kind of face. You can find her body on many girls but that face like Kate's is unique. Holy crap. You just connected that long cable from here to NZ with that shared reference. I want to say 'good on ya mate' but I know that's not your guy's thing. What expression means the same thing to my New Zealand buddies?
Yes indeed a connection through the cable. :) Here in NZ we also say "No worries" although we rarely follow it up with the "mate" on this occasion you should go with "sweet, bro." There's some culture for you. I remember being in at UA in LA many years ago and the security guard said to me "Oh you're from Australia" and I said "No New Zealand actually" to which he replied "Same thing" and I said "Yes it is and we're in Canada right now I guess?" It was worth getting strip-searched. Thank you Kal for respecting my culture enough to ask.
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