But I think you have had enough time in crazy town. The world needs you to get your fucking shit together and stop the bullshit before you drag us all down to the level of your most crazy. I don't want to have to stop masterbating and I kinda like Halloween. Start living up to the promise you have showed many, many times in the past. And don't make me ever have to talk to you like this again.
I Like America and generally I like Americans as individuals. America used to be a place where you could be into whatever you were into and nobody would give a damn. You might get funny looks for wearing a Starfleet uniform to the grocery store, but it was all about individual freedom and I really admired that.
Where did all that stuff go? "Cause it seems like it ain't there anymore.
amen, brother. home of the brave, my arse.
The fearmongers are out in full force these days. It's shameful to watch them make a power grab for themselves by feeding people's F.U.D.
"Park your brains at the door my friend. Come put your head in the sand. Don't worry about your ass sticking so high in the air. Nobody's going to want to take advantage of that position. Trust me!"
Fearmongers remind me of Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings.
They all have Wormtongue's coloring too. And can someone please tell me how a guy with the name 'Wormtongue' on the top of his resume EVER gets a job at court. Even Rohan had to have some standards. And don't tell me that the king was insane because the castle's HR department does the hiring, not him.
Believe me, in "real life" you can still do and say what you please, and people are very tolerant. It's just that the effing media only shows what the whack jobs here are doing. I live in one of the most staunchly conserviative counties in the U.S. (Orange in Calif). Orange county also has one of the largest concentrations of folks from the middle east in the country. You know what? Everybody gets along just fine, and there are few if any issues!
I agree with Pat - the media highlights the nutjobs (case in point that buffoon in Florida). Anyway, I'm going to swipe this picture and use it on my FB profile. :)
If you develop your image of America and Americans based on what you see in the media, or by what comes out of the mouths of the folks in Washington who don't want to loose their grip on power, I have two words for you:
Straw Man
I agree with Pat and Noah. I turned 60 last month and live in one of the most horribly run states in the union, Arizona. They have the fear factor in spades here with 'the illegal immigrants' are going to murder you in your sleep scenario. I went thru this kind of crap in the sixties with 'hippies are going to lead your child into crime and drugs'. Same old crap the republicans have been hoisting for decades. And all you get from the media now is focus on the tea party. Another problem I've seen from them is this microscopic examination of the current administration. Everyday. Hey, I'm disapointed in Obama, but the alternative is unthinkable. Where were all these polls and examinations when Bush was President. I could go on but I'm tired.
I live in an America where we don't have the fears you speak of. I think those fears are only in the Beltway and on TV.
Thanks for that perspective everyone. Clearly you are the ones who should be getting the attention that you are not. I hoped it will be the case that this same decent sanity translates to sanity at the polls in November.
Don't get your hopes up Cal. I've been through a few times where I was sure sanity and enlightenment would prevail, but the powers that be (media etc.) overwhelm it with lies, fear and BS. Reason, compassion and empathy seem to be the key, but that's not what you will get on TV.
But radio and TV are the conduits? How do we get the message out any other way? I have a whole bunch of hot air balloons but you can't rely on the winds to take them where we need them to go.
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