This makes 'Archie' look subtle by comparison. And what comic doesn't need a pimp and a white Irish cop character to teach the children about life on the streets? Thanks to Retrospace Zeta for both amusing and terrifying me all at the same time. Personally I like the angry black man 'Jabar' and the hard working immigrant Jose Martinez. All we need is 'Mammy', 'Angry Skinhead', 'the Man' and 'Stepen Fetchit' and we got us a 'Raciststereotypalooza' going on.
I would argue that the comic was not racist but instead was pretty accurate for the times. It was also probably greeted with joy among black comic book readers because most comics back in the early and mid '70s were overwhelmingly white.
You make sense. I am seeing it through modern eyes where this would NEVER get printed.
Wow... that is something! And I agree with Dr. Monkey, probably fit in with the times it was published in.
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