Samurai Frog had this posted on his site today and just had to nic it. What a great piece of business between Simon and that little girl. Completely unscripted and coming from a place of great joy before someone told her HOW something was suppose to be done. I told this story in the comments but it bear repeating here. I have had many such good moments teaching full time and especially substituting. I was subbing in a grade 2 class for a week once. All morning we were talking about sharks and how they can't get you on land because they are fish and fish live in water and can't breath on land. At recess, one little guy gave me a picture he had been drawing about what he had 'seen' at the lake during the summer. It was the picture of a shark in a car filled with water with a bubble top. There was a fin like a shark and big teeth where the front bumper should be. He looked me square in the eye and the only thing he said to me before running out the door to play was, "THAT is how they GETCHA!"

I can't remember where I got this pic but its an example of the same kind of imagination I was talking about. Sure the kid had help putting this together but what a great image. All it needs is some spray paint. I would have played the hell out of this thing. Next up for him. A box submarine with periscope.

And I can't post about Sesame Street without including this clip from Elmo and Ricky Gervais. Say what you will about the little guy. Elmo is a consummate pro in this business and this kid is going places I tells ya. Look how he runs his shoot. Professional but with a grip of steel.
I love the creativity of children. Much to the chagrin of some friends - I allowed my children ALL the freedom in the world to "create." It paid off in the long run.
Those are some classic clips there, Cal! That girl had her groove on. And Gervais and Elmo make a pretty damn good team, actually.
I wish more people just expressed themselves with no fears of what is "right" or "acceptable" or "allowed". Sometimes criticism can do more damage than good.
Lovely post!
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