One of the things that I like most about myself is my imagination. I did OK in school, just above the average - not too dumb to need teacher attention on my work but not well behaved enough to receive praise for the work I was doing like the smart kids.
I could tell many stories about times I stood up for what I felt was an unjust cause or I started revolutions just to fuck with those who tried to keep the small and week of my tiny classroom herd down.
Like the Calvin in the 'Calvin and Hobbes' cartoon, it took very little for me to drift into imaginative worlds and totally tune out the rest of the world. Tonight I had that same feeling just sitting here cruising through Tumblr.
This picture of 'girl with cat' immediately got me thinking of a female super spy with a cat that was rebuilt by the government to be an agent for the good guys.
I suspect my idea had to do with Ikea's idea to leave 100 cats in one of their overnight to see what furniture and notions they preferred. I totally imagined my bionic cat sneaking into corporations and research facilities over night to do spying. His tail would be about to connect him to mainframes and he would have additional stealth features added to his natural ones.
Just another on the pile of ideas. I swear, some days I feel like Stan Lee in my prolific output with the only distinction is he gets published and I continue to be kept down from the 'Man'.
So write about your Honey Glaze and bionic cat!
I second Alex. I want to hear the story. Will the cat stay a kitten because it is bionic? Heck, sell it to NBC, it is better than most of anything they are running without even developing it past concept.
I think that is a great premise for a TV show! You know people love it when people and animals team up, as in "B.J. and the Bear," "Flipper," and "Mr. Ed." I think the time is right for a good cat/hot babe show.
I like the name too!
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