In Bespin (Cloud City), Vader picks up the head of C3P0 and despite the fact that these protocol droids are on in a million, he recognizes it to be the one he starting building as a child. This sends him back through his memories of the time with his mother and all he had to do to survive in this new universe. Behaps this was the one small spart that started his his voyage back to the good side of the force. The good side would seem to depend on small moments like that.
Alas poor 3PO, I knew him well Governor Tarkin.
see...now you understand how overly Shackesperian the whole thing could be.
... a droid of infinite jest, of most excellent circuitry...
my concern is no, because there are thousands of protocol droids... and yet vader may have a memory of his past... he alas is more machine than man... so it is just a metal head.
We were sitting around this weekend drinking beer and playing Munchkin and we got into one of "those" conversations. Probably because my nephew was playing Lego Star Wars in the background and the music just set us off...you shoulda been there...
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